- 亚非拉近现代史教研室
- 通讯联络: 长聘副教授
- 邮箱:caoyin@pku.edu.cn
1. Yin Cao, Chinese Sojourners in Wartime Raj, 1942-1945 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022).
2. 曹寅:《自行车、港口与缝纫机:西方基建与日常技术在亚洲的相遇》,北京:北京大学出版社,2022年版。
3. Yin Cao, From Policemen to Revolutionaries: A Sikh Diaspora in Global Shanghai, 1885-1945 (Leiden: Brill, 2018). 中文版《锡克警察》由北京大学出版社2023年翻译出版。
1. Yin Cao, "Separating Singapore from British India: Transit Infrastructures, Straits Merchants, and the Cultural Construction against the Raj," Journal of Asian Studies (accepted and forthcoming). (SSCI, A&HCI).
2. Yin Cao, "The Malacca Dilemma of the Raj: The Indian Uprising of 1857, the Second Opium War, and a British Proposal of the Kra Passage," Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (accepted and forthcoming). (A&HCI).
3. Yin Cao, “ The Yunnan–Burma railway, 1860s–1940s: Imagining, planning and rejecting a railway that was never built," Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 2 (2023): 298-315. (SSCI, A&HCI).
4. Yin Cao, “Chen Mengzhao’s Storeroom in Park Street, Calcutta: Wartime India-China Smuggling, 1942-1945,” Modern Asian Studies 1(2023): 196-221. (SSCI).
5. Yin Cao, “The Last Hump: The Lahore Elementary Flying Training School, the Chinese Civil War, and the Final Days of the British Raj,” Modern Asian Studies 1 (2022): 250-268. (SSCI).
6. Yin Cao, “The Return of Chen Ching Lin: Chinese Deserters and Chinatowns in the British Raj, 1943-1946,” South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 5 (2021): 888-902. (SSCI, A&HCI).
7. Yin Cao, “The Bombs in Beijing and Delhi: The Global Spread of Bomb-making Technology and the Revolutionary Terrorism in Modern China and India,” Journal of World History 4 (2019): 559-589. (A&HCI).
8. Yin Cao, “Policing the British Empire on the Bund: The Origin of the Sikh Police Unit in Shanghai,” Britain and the World 1 (2017): 53-73. (SSCI, A&HCI).
9. Yin Cao, “Kill Buddha Singh: Indian Nationalist Movement in Shanghai, 1914-27,” Indian Historical Review 43:2 (2016): 270-288. (A&HCI).
10. 曹寅:《全球史视角下的殖民帝国史研究:以新加坡和香港的锡克警察为中心的探讨》,《二十一世纪》(香港中文大学),2015年2月刊。
1. 德国洪堡基金会/洪堡资深学者奖励
2. 荷兰教育部/荷兰莱顿大学国际亚洲研究所杰出研究奖励
3. 日本学术振兴会/京都大学东南亚研究所杰出研究奖励
4. 德国大众基金会/纽伦堡大学杰出研究奖励
5. 清华大学仲英青年学者奖励